The Colegio Privado Concertado San José de Salamanca, is a Catholic Center, directed by the RR "Daughters of Mary Mother of the Church", at the service of society. Our Educational Project is based on the values that emerge from the Gospel and the Charism of Blessed Mother Matilde Téllez Robles, in accordance with the current legislation of the M.E.C.D. and the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León. Likewise, our School specifies its MISSION (its raison d'être, what it exists for), its VISION (what it wants to move towards in the short and long term), and its VALUES (which indicate the main guidelines of behavior of the Educational Community).
The "SAN JOSÉ" School presents its Educational Project to all families who want this type of education for their sons and daughters in an attitude of positive collaboration, and seeks to preferably attend to those who need it most due to family, economic or social needs.
Based on the Character of the School and the current legislation, we propose as a General Objective for this school year, a The endone OBJECTIVEone DREAM:
"To help our students to develop the skills that lead them to their integral education, in the midst of a plural and diverse society, putting them at the service of improving the reality that surrounds us."
And how Specific Objectives the following: